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Agena Bioscience

Agena Bioscience

Agena Bioscience is dedicated to advancing the impact of genomics in healthcare and precision medicine with a mission is to equip genomic and clinical testing laboratories with practical solutions that increase productivity and decrease time to results. Whether assessing sample quality, screening samples for actionabl ...
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Covid-19 Agena Bioscience

Laboratorio clínico

Mass Spectrometer
MassARRAY System

The MassARRAY System workflow couples mass spectrometry with end-point PCR, enabling highly multiplexed reactions under universal cycling conditions to provide accurate, sensitive and rapid genetic analysis. Available in 96 and 384-well plate formats, the open platform can grow with the lab and simplify the genetic testing process with easy-to-interpret data, fast turn-around times, and broad genetic coverage.
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MassARRAY Dx Analyzer

MassARRAY Dx Analyzer es un analizador genético multiplex de sobremesa que simplifica el complejo entorno de la genética clínica con datos fáciles de interpretar, detección de biomarcadores flexible y desempeño robusto.
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Noticias of Agena Bioscience

Mesa Laboratories comprará la compañía de herramientas de diagnóstico molecular Agena Bioscience

26 Oct 2021
Mesa Laboratories comprará la compañía de herramientas de diagnóstico molecular Agena Bioscience
Mesa Laboratories, Inc. (Lakewood, CO, EUA) firmó un acuerdo definitivo para adquirir Agena Bioscience, Inc. (San Diego, CA, EUA).
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Mesa Laboratories to Acquire Molecular Diagnostics Tools Company Agena Bioscience

15 Sep 2021
Mesa Laboratories to Acquire Molecular Diagnostics Tools Company Agena Bioscience
Mesa Laboratories, Inc. (Lakewood, CO, USA) has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire Agena Bioscience, Inc. (San Diego, CA, USA).
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Sobre Agena Bioscience

Agena Bioscience is dedicated to advancing the impact of genomics in healthcare and precision medicine with a mission is to equip genomic and clinical testing laboratories with practical solutions that increase productivity and decrease time to results. Whether assessing sample quality, screening samples for actionable mutations, or enabling routine genetic testing for tens to thousands of samples, the company’s products and services help laboratories translate genomic discoveries into mainstream clinical practice.


Melanoma Test
iPLEX HS Melanoma Panel

The iPLEX HS Melanoma panel enables tumor profiling studies of melanoma specimens and can detect more than 90 clinically relevant variants from BRAF, KIT, NRAS, TERT, and other genes. It can identify variants at as low as 1% variant allele frequency using as little as 10 ng of DNA, requiring one hour of hands-on time and eight hours of total time.
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Sample Management
iPLEX Pro Sample ID Panel

The iPLEX Pro Sample ID Panel leverages the power of genetic testing to provide rapid and accurate sample identification and authentication. Forty-four SNPs are used to generate a sample’s unique genetic fingerprint which is analyzed using the MassARRAY system. The automated reporter compares SNP profiles and generates a “Match” or “Mismatch” result for easy identification and authentication of patient specimens with a high degree of certainty.
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CFTR Panel

El panel de fibrosis quística (CFTR) ofrece una detección rentable de 74 de las variantes más comunes del gen CFTR, incluidas las 23 mutaciones recomendadas por ACMG/ACOG. Puede detectar 51 variantes adicionales con relevancia CFTR conocida.
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Laboratorio clínico

Melanoma Test
iPLEX HS Melanoma Panel

The iPLEX HS Melanoma panel enables tumor profiling studies of melanoma specimens and can detect more than 90 clinically relevant variants from BRAF, KIT, NRAS, TERT, and other genes. It can identify variants at as low as 1% variant allele frequency using as little as 10 ng of DNA, requiring one hour of hands-on time and eight hours of total time.
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Sample Management
iPLEX Pro Sample ID Panel

The iPLEX Pro Sample ID Panel leverages the power of genetic testing to provide rapid and accurate sample identification and authentication. Forty-four SNPs are used to generate a sample’s unique genetic fingerprint which is analyzed using the MassARRAY system. The automated reporter compares SNP profiles and generates a “Match” or “Mismatch” result for easy identification and authentication of patient specimens with a high degree of certainty.
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CFTR Panel

El panel de fibrosis quística (CFTR) ofrece una detección rentable de 74 de las variantes más comunes del gen CFTR, incluidas las 23 mutaciones recomendadas por ACMG/ACOG. Puede detectar 51 variantes adicionales con relevancia CFTR conocida.
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Lung Cancer Test
iPLEX HS Lung Panel

The iPLEX HS Lung Panel enables tumor profiling studies of non-small cell lung cancer specimens and can detect 70 clinically relevant variants across BRAF, EGFR, ERBB2, KRAS, and PIK3CA. It can identify variants at as low as 1% variant allele frequency using as little as 10 ng of DNA, making it an ideal screening tool for detecting clinically actionable DNA variants in lung cancer patients.
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Panel de melanoma
UltraSEEK Melanoma Panel

El panel de melanoma UltraSEEK es un panel de biopsia líquida para la detección de variantes de melanoma a partir de cfDNA y permite el estudio de la progresión de la enfermedad y la resistencia. Detecta más de 55 variantes clínicamente relevantes en 13 genes, incluidos BRAF, KIT y NRAS, y puede identificar variantes con una frecuencia del alelo variante tan baja como 0,1%.
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EGFR Panel
UltraSEEK EGFR Panel

UltraSEEK EGFR es un panel de biopsia líquida para la detección de marcadores de resistencia a EGFR a partir de cfDNA y es ideal para estudios de seguimiento de enfermedades residuales y resistencia en cáncer de pulmón de células no pequeñas. Detecta seis variantes de EGFR clínicamente relevantes, incluidas T790M, C797S, E746_A750del y L858R, y puede identificar variantes con una frecuencia del alelo variante tan baja como 0,1%.
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Colon Cancer Mutation Panel
UltraSEEK Colon Panel

The UltraSEEK Colon Panel enables study of disease progression and resistance in colorectal cancer and detects over 100 clinically relevant variants across BRAF, EGFR, KRAS, NRAS and PIK3CA. It can identify variants at as low as 0.1% variant allele frequency using as little as 10 ng of cfDNA and has one hour of hands-on time and eight hours of total time.
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Lung Cancer Mutation Panel
UltraSEEK Lung Panel

The UltraSEEK Lung Panel enables study of disease progression and resistance in non-small cell lung cancer and detects over 70 clinically relevant variants across BRAF, EGFR, ERBB2, KRAS and PIK3CA. It can identify variants at as low as 0.1% variant allele frequency using as little as 10 ng of cfDNA and has one hour of hands-on time and eight hours of total time.
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Breast Cancer Assay Panel
ClearSEEK PIK3CA Panel

The ClearSEEK PIK3CA Panel enables tumor profiling studies of breast cancer specimens by targeting a set of 20 variants in the PIK3CA mutated gene associated with response to targeted therapy, including the activating mutations recommended by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network Guidelines. The assay panel set is available for use on the MassARRAY System with chip prep module in 96-format and achieves DNA to data in as little as eight hours with minimal manual processing time for greater lab efficiency.
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MassARRAY Dx Analyzer

MassARRAY Dx Analyzer es un analizador genético multiplex de sobremesa que simplifica el complejo entorno de la genética clínica con datos fáciles de interpretar, detección de biomarcadores flexible y desempeño robusto.
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Mass Spectrometer
MassARRAY System

The MassARRAY System workflow couples mass spectrometry with end-point PCR, enabling highly multiplexed reactions under universal cycling conditions to provide accurate, sensitive and rapid genetic analysis. Available in 96 and 384-well plate formats, the open platform can grow with the lab and simplify the genetic testing process with easy-to-interpret data, fast turn-around times, and broad genetic coverage.
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