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Designs, manufactures and trades in surgical lamps for surgeries and operating rooms and civil illumination
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Sobre ACEM

Número de empleados: 20-99
Año de establecimiento 1996
Designs, manufactures and trades in surgical lamps for surgeries and operating rooms and civil illumination


Medical LED Lamp

The ACEMST1 medical LED lamp offers all the advantages of LED technology and is suitable for multipurpose use thanks to its flexibility. Its illumination is perfect for all kinds of examination, making it ideal for diagnostics, cosmetic medicine, first aid, recovery room and as a bed head light.
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LED Examination Light
SOLED15/15-F with ABPS

The SOLED15/15-F with ABPS is a focusable LED examination light with a rechargeable battery powered system on trolley that supplies efficient light in situations where light has great importance but electrical power supply is not available. The structure covering and protecting the battery is made of resistant plastic and its control panel allows for the management of all fundamental parameters, such as residual charge, type of power supply, recharge status and electrical power supply presence.
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LED Examination Light

The SOLED15-F is a focusable LED examination light with a light intensity of 50.000 LUX (large spot light beam), increasable up to 77.000 LUX (small spot light beam), and low power consumption (24 W). It grants uniform distribution of light and can focus the light beam with perfect illumination both on the surface and in depth, providing the operator with the best working conditions.
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Infraestructura hospitalaria

HD Monitors
HD Monitors

ACEM’s HD monitors ensure sharpness and accuracy of details during surgical and endoscopic interventions by displaying the smallest tissue structures and colors found within the human body. They can be connected to surgical lamps, and come with sterilizable, interchangeable handles for wide operating ranges, height adjustment and ease of positioning.
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Atención al paciente

Medical LED Lamp

The ACEMST1 medical LED lamp offers all the advantages of LED technology and is suitable for multipurpose use thanks to its flexibility. Its illumination is perfect for all kinds of examination, making it ideal for diagnostics, cosmetic medicine, first aid, recovery room and as a bed head light.
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Luz de cirugia/examen
Soled 15

El diseño del SOLED15 es para la cirugía menor, las UCI, las salas de primeros auxilios, las salas de cirugía estética y el sector dental. Las características incluyen una excelente intensidad de luz, haz de luz libre de luz IR, CCT de 4.500°K, CRI de 95, larga vida útil y bajo consumo de energía.
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LED Examination Light
SOLED15/15-F with ABPS

The SOLED15/15-F with ABPS is a focusable LED examination light with a rechargeable battery powered system on trolley that supplies efficient light in situations where light has great importance but electrical power supply is not available. The structure covering and protecting the battery is made of resistant plastic and its control panel allows for the management of all fundamental parameters, such as residual charge, type of power supply, recharge status and electrical power supply presence.
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LED Examination Light

The SOLED15-F is a focusable LED examination light with a light intensity of 50.000 LUX (large spot light beam), increasable up to 77.000 LUX (small spot light beam), and low power consumption (24 W). It grants uniform distribution of light and can focus the light beam with perfect illumination both on the surface and in depth, providing the operator with the best working conditions.
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La ACEMSO15F ofrece 110.000 LUX y bajo consumo de energía. Su diseño LED proporciona comodidad visual y produce una luz uniforme, homogénea y sin sombras, ideal para muchos usos.
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Lampara de aumento

La LED Circled cuenta con un vidrio óptico resistente a las rayaduras con un diámetro de 120 mm y un aumento de tres dioptrías. Cuenta con siete LED con un ciclo de vida promedio de aproximadamente 50,000 horas que produce una luz blanca libre de luz IR sin calor.
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Medical Lamp
Starled1 Evo

The Starled1 Evo single LED medical lamp has a homogeneous and intense light beam with 60.000 lux at 50 cm, and produces a color temperature of 4.500 °K and a color rendering index (CRI) of 95. It allows for adjustment of the light intensity and selection of the desired light level, making it suitable for applications in dermatology, general medicine, gynecology, diagnostics, cosmetic medicine, first aid and recovery rooms.
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ACHD Camera

La cámara ACHD incorpora un sensor de imagen HD CMOS de tipo 1/3 que cuenta con aproximadamente dos millones de píxeles efectivos. También presenta salidas de video de formato múltiple desde SD a HD completa, ofreciendo flexibilidad del sistema e imágenes de alta calidad.
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ACE Camera

The ACE camera incorporates a newly-designed 1/3-type Super HAD CCD II sensor which provides increased sensitivity (minimum illumination of 0.25lx). It helps the camera achieve a high horizontal resolution of 530 TV lines with a 10x optical zoom lens and 12x digital zoom, allowing it to display the smallest details.
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Surgical Lamp

The StarLED 5 NX features shadowless, clear, and homogeneous light for visual comfort and enhanced working conditions. The StarLED 5 NX produces a light spot of 21 cm at one meter, with a high illumination level of 135,000 lux for a steady life cycle of 50,000 hours.
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Surgical Lamp

The StarLED 3 NX features shadowless and homogeneous light for visual comfort and enhanced working conditions. The StarLED 3 NX produces a quality of light with a CCT of 4,500 K, CRI of 95, high illumination level of 130,000 lux, and a life cycle of 50,000 hours.
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Operating Room Lamp

The STARLED7 NX features a CRI of 95, clear luminosity at 160,000 lux, and a color temperature of 4,500 K. The lamp can produce a perfect illumination under every condition, generating shadowless, clear and IR-free light with low consumption for enhanced working conditions.
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