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Manufactures reagents and equipments for clinical chemistry and analytical needs
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Mispa Revo Plus

Mispa Revo Plus es un analizador de inmunoensayo de fluorescencia de resolución temporal. El dispositivo portátil utiliza antígenos o anticuerpos para determinar la concentración de analitos específicos en suero, plasma y sangre completa.
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Auto Clinical Chemistry Analyzer
Mispa CXL Pro Plus

The Mispa CXL Pro Plus is a compact, fully automated random access clinical chemistry analyzer with a photometric throughput of 240 clinical chemistry tests per hour. The all-in-one solution for clinical chemistry analysis can perform endpoint, fixed time, kinetic, single & dual reagents chemistries mono & bichromatic, and linear & non-linear multipoint calibration.
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Smart Hemoglobin Analyzer
Mispa HbX

The Mispa HbX smart hemoglobin analyzer is a point of care equipment featuring modern technology and convenience that is designed to deliver high accuracy and quality results with least turnaround time and low maintenance. HbX uses the spectrophotometry scattered compensation technology for accurate and quick results, and allows results to be retrieved in less than three seconds after sample reading starts.
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Laboratorio clínico

Mispa Revo Plus

Mispa Revo Plus es un analizador de inmunoensayo de fluorescencia de resolución temporal. El dispositivo portátil utiliza antígenos o anticuerpos para determinar la concentración de analitos específicos en suero, plasma y sangre completa.
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Auto Clinical Chemistry Analyzer
Mispa CXL Pro Plus

The Mispa CXL Pro Plus is a compact, fully automated random access clinical chemistry analyzer with a photometric throughput of 240 clinical chemistry tests per hour. The all-in-one solution for clinical chemistry analysis can perform endpoint, fixed time, kinetic, single & dual reagents chemistries mono & bichromatic, and linear & non-linear multipoint calibration.
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Smart Hemoglobin Analyzer
Mispa HbX

The Mispa HbX smart hemoglobin analyzer is a point of care equipment featuring modern technology and convenience that is designed to deliver high accuracy and quality results with least turnaround time and low maintenance. HbX uses the spectrophotometry scattered compensation technology for accurate and quick results, and allows results to be retrieved in less than three seconds after sample reading starts.
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Auto 3-Part Diff Hematology Analyzer
Mispa Count X Plus

Mispa Count X Plus is a quantitative Automated Hematology Analyzer and 3-part differential counter for in Vitro Diagnostic Use in clinical laboratories. The analyzer is designed to identify the normal patient, with all normal system-generated parameters, and to flag or identify patient results.
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Auto Clinical Chemistry Analyzer
Mispa Clinia Plus

Mispa Clinia Plus is a fully automated clinical chemistry analyzer with a throughput of 400 tests per hour and 60 reagent positions for 20ml, 50ml and 100ml bottles, all cooled between 8 -15°C. Its smart reagent inventory management system with barcode functionality ensures instant recognition of reagents while its 8-step washing process with acid, alkali and pure water ensures cuvettes are thoroughly cleaned before each test.
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Urine Chemistry Analyzer
Mispa Uriskan 100 Plus

Mispa Uriskan 100 Plus is a urine chemistry analyzer that can process up to 120 strips in an hour and comes with a built-in printer. It features auto correction technology to correct the errors of urine samples due to the influence of icteric urine sample.
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Automated 3 Part Diff Hematology Analyzer
Mispa Count X

Mispa Count X is an automated 3 part differential hematology analyzer (3 part differential cell counter) that offers quality CBC testing to deliver safe patient care. It has a throughput of 60 samples/hour with 22 parameters and 3 histograms, and is tailored for different environments such as routine laboratories, satellite labs, and emergency care units.
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Semi-Automatic Biochemistry Analyzer
Mispa Plus

Mispa Plus is the next-generation semi-automatic biochemistry analyzer that is designed based on the company’s new fluidic design concept with a capacitive touchscreen interface for ease of use in laboratory blood testing. It features state-of-the-art Penta Lens photometry system & IOT integration and comes with is 300 programming channels and calculated test options for user convenience and management of test data.
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Automated Hematology Analyzer
Mispa Count Plus

The Mispa Count Plus is a compact automated hematology 5 part differential analyzer (5 part differential cell counter) that offers cutting edge technology solutions to perfectly satisfy the quality needs of the laboratory. It comes with the German technology to efficiently generate reliable and accurate results, thereby ensuring the right fit for the laboratory.
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Protein & Clinical Chemistry Analyzer
Mispa i4

Mispa i4 is a cartridge-based, fully automated specific protein and clinical chemistry analyzer that offers high precision and quick turnaround results. Mispa i4 is well designed to meet increased workflow efficiency, efficient & simple operation, wide protein and specialized chemistry assay panel, and high quality results.
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Mispa CXL Pro

Mispa CXL Pro es un analizador de química clínica compacto, completamente automatizado de acceso aleatorio con rendimiento fotométrico de 180 pruebas por hora. Tiene espectrofotometría trasera HCFG probada que reduce las interferencias de luz ambient
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Mispa MagenTa

Mispa MagenTa es una unidad de extracción de ARN compacta totalmente automatizada basada en tecnología de perlas magnéticas para aplicaciones de alto rendimiento. El instrumento puede purificar hasta 32 muestras simultáneamente.
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Real Time Isothermal LAMP Analyzer
Mispa Lume

The Mispa Lume Real Time Isothermal LAMP Analyzer is a highly compact molecular diagnostics system that simultaneously performs 16 samples at faster TAT for real time detection of target genes using RT-LAMP reaction. It does not require thermal cycling and saves time with a two step protocol with the shortest time to results of 16-35 minutes.
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El MISPA NANO Plus ofrece un rendimiento de 360 pruebas por hora, y su bandeja de reactivos proporciona refrigeración a bordo las 24 horas, a 2°C-12°C. Las posiciones de muestra pueden acomodar tubos de muestra primarios, tubos de alícuotas y microcopillas.
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Peripheral Vein Viewer

The MISPA View is a state-of-the-art Infra-red light-based device for viewing peripheral vein and offers 6X optical zoom. The portable system with battery backup offers three different color modes and features a flexible mount for easy operation.
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El MISPA Count presenta tres histogramas y un diagrama de dispersión para los GB y una eficiencia de 60 muestras por hora. Utiliza tecnología de recuento triple para obtener resultados exactos y tiene una memoria integrada para almacenar 35.000 resultados con el diagrama de dispersión correspondiente.
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TBA120FR Pearl edition

La edición TBA120FR Pearl ofrece una eficiencia alta de 800 pruebas por hora/1.200 pruebas por hora (ISE). Cuenta con celdas de vidrio duro moldeado con una larga vida útil y un compartimento de reactivo doble para contener 56 reactivos R1 y 56 reactivos R2.
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The SensIT is a ready-to-use complete range of immunochemistry reagents that offers high sensitivity and no hook effect. They are supplied with calibrators traceable to WHO reference materials and standardized to international reference values.
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Hematology Analyzer

The BC-5140 auto hematology analyzer has a throughput of 60 samples per hour, large storage capacity for up to 200,000 samples and a 10.4-inch large TFT touch screen with user-friendly software. It is especially tailored to assist diagnostic labs who need full CBC + 5-part results, with relatively lower daily sample volume, restricted lab space and tight budget.
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Tube Labeling System
Mispa Label

The Mispa Label is an intelligent system for tube labeling with a throughput of 600 tubes per hour, six tube racks with capacity of 120 tubes, automatic tube positioning & identification, and a 7-inch TFT touch screen display. A smart & innovative solution for simplified pre-analytics, it offers ease of use, minimal human error, connectivity and best turnaround time.
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Clinical Chemistry Analyzer

The MISPA CCXL is a fully automated clinical chemistry analyzer with a photometric throughput of 240 tests per hour that ensures convenience, flexibility, affordability & accuracy. Other features include multi-functional sample & reagent carousel, waterfall washing system, constant temperature reaction cuvettes, and probes with nano coating technology.
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El analizador automatizado MISPA i4 ofrece resultados de alta precisión y tiempos de respuesta rápidos. Diseñado para aumentar la eficiencia del flujo de trabajo, ofrece una operación simple y un amplio panel de proteínas y química.
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Specific Protein Analyzer

The MISPA i2 specific protein analyzer uses the Nephelometric technology for specific protein determination and supports the clinical management of a variety of disease states, such as cardiovascular risk and rheumatoid diseases. It features smart card calibration, unique channel shifting technology, prozone detect function, patient ID entry facility along with barcode reader, and onboard memory for storage of 1,000 patient results.
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Coagulation Analyzer

The MISPA CLOG Plus is a closed system, semi-automated hemostasis (coagulation) analyzer with smart card calibration where accuracy and precision is guaranteed. The single channel coagulation analyzer is based on the photometry principle (@ 578 nm) and features a dual channel system, quality control, real time monitoring, stability check and ergonomic design.
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Clinical Chemistry Analyzer
TMS 30i

The TMS 30i is a fully automatic clinical chemistry analyzer that can perform HbA1c testing with whole blood and has a throughput of 90 HbA1c tests in 60 minutes. It uses air pressure mixing for sample and reagent, comes with a built-in clot detector, collision detection and auto-washing features, and has a low water consumption of 3.8 liters per hour.
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ESR Analyzer

The I SED is a higher end accurate ESR analyzer with a lower foot print that can perform an ESR test in 20 seconds without additional sample requirement and without any temperature, hematocrit or manual error. It does not require ESR tubes as it works with normal EDTA tubes and utilizes a blood sample of only 100 micro liter.
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Clinical Chemistry Analyzer
Mispa Clinia

The Mispa Clinia is a random access fully automatic clinical chemistry analyzer with a throughput of 400 tests per hour (photometric) and 560 tests per hour with ISE. It features intelligent multitasking software, perfect self-checking function, automatic calibration, automatic washing, enhanced liquid level detection, better on board refrigeration, collision detection and recovery.
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Biochemistry Analyzer
Mispa Nano

The Mispa Nano is a fully automatic biochemistry analyzer with a throughput of 200 tests per hour (photometric) and 330 tests per hour with ISE. It features a reversed optic system with eight wave lengths and automatic probe cleaning, liquid level detection & collision protection, and offers up to 40 positions for samples and reagents.
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Analizador de electrolitos

El i SMART 30 PRO es portátil, fácil de usar y no requiere mantenimiento. Mide las concentraciones de NA+, K+, Cl- utilizando 60μL de las muestras de sangre e informa los resultados del paciente en 35 segundos en una pantalla grande a color.
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Biochemistry Analyzer

The TBA 25FR is a bench-top fully automated clinical biochemistry analyzer with a throughput of 240 tests per hour and uses high-quality cast hard glass cuvettes with long life. It has a single reagent compartment to hold up to 52 reagents (R1+R2) and features advanced rack loading system for sampling.
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Urine Analyzer
Mispa Uriskan 100

The Mispa Uriskan 100 urine analyzer can read 11 assay parameters with Microalbumin and has a throughput of 120 strips per hour. It has a large memory with a storage capacity of 1,000 patient results for reviewing and comes with a built-in thermal printer that can prints results automatically.
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Immunofluorescence Analyzer
Mispa Revo

The Mispa Revo is a reliable, quick and portable immunofluorescence analyzer intended to quantitatively determine the concentrations of procalcitonin and other emergency parameters in whole-blood, plasma and serum. It can read a wide range of critical parameters and delivers results in just 10-15 minutes.
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Clinical Chemistry Analyzer
Mispa Ace

The Mispa Ace is a random access fully automated clinical chemistry analyzer, with intelligent multi-tasking software, perfect self-checking function, automatic calibration, and automatic washing. It has a maximum throughput up to 100 tests per hour and features onboard cooling and advanced technology.
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Analizador de coagulacion

El CLOG de MISPA ofrece siete posiciones de pruebas pre-programadas junto con una función de detección de celdas. Ofrece una posición para la incubación de reactivos y cuatro posiciones para la incubación de las muestras, y requiere un volumen mínimo por celda de 150 μL.
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Electrolyte Analyzer

The I SMART 30 PRO is a cartridge-based electrolyte analyzer that measures Na+, K+ and Cl- concentrations using 60µl of blood and reports patient results in 35 seconds on a big color screen. It eliminates maintenance by allowing the all-in-one cartridge to be used for up to four weeks and operates on battery for a maximum of up to two hours without being plugged in.
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Hematology Analyzer
BC 3000 plus

The BC 3000 plus is an advanced three-part hematology analyzer that delivers accurate cell counts and has a throughput of 60 samples per hour. It features a 10.4-inch color LCD display for viewing the complete results along with color histogram on the same screen and can store more than 35,000 test results.
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Coagulation Analyzer

The MISPA CLOG is a coagulation analyzer that offers seven pre-programmed test positions along with auto cuvette detection feature. It offers one position for reagent incubation and four sample incubation positions, and requires a minimum cuvette volume of 150 µL for one test.
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Clinical Chemistry Analyzer
TBA 2000FR

The TBA 2000FR fully-automated clinical chemistry analyzer uses high quality cast hard glass cuvettes with long life and features a dual reagent compartment which holds up to 112 reagents (R1+R2). It offers high-speed PIEZOELECTRIC stirring for better results and has a throughput of 1,600 photometric tests per hour.
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Clinical Chemistry Analyzer
Mispa Viva

The Mispa Viva is a semi-automatic clinical chemistry analyzer that uses DMax technology to avoid rerun and displays QC statistics with Levy Jennings control chart with Westgard's algorithm. It comes with a special D sub cable for PC compatibility to make programming, QC analysis and reporting easier, and can store 5,000 sample results.
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Hematology Analyzer
Mispa count

The Mispa count is a 3 part + hematology analyzer that uses an 80 micron aperture for WBC and 50 micron aperture for RBC and PLT count for enhanced impedance pulse and improved detections of cells, especially platelets. It determines 20 parameters with 3 histograms using a sample volume of 10 µl, and has a throughput of 60 samples per hour.
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Protein Analyzer
Mispa i3

The Mispa i3 is a cartridge-based, automated specific-protein analyzer that offers the benefits of a fully automated analyzer. The system supports the clinical management of diseases such as CV risk, rheumatoid diseases, inflammation, kidney disease, and other specific protein assays.
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