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Direx Medical Systems

Direx Medical Systems

Provides lithotripsy treatment devices for urologists using electro-magnetic and electro-hydraulic technologies for the delivery of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy
Productos Resumen

Sobre Direx Medical Systems

Año de establecimiento 1983
Provides lithotripsy treatment devices for urologists using electro-magnetic and electro-hydraulic technologies for the delivery of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy


Double Shockwave Lithotripsy Machine
Duet Magna

Duet Magna introduces the combination of electromagnetic technology and the double shockwave concept, allowing for some clear and unique advantages in the field of shockwave lithotripsy. The Duet Magna is equipped with two reflectors and performs Double Shockwave Lithotripsy (DSWL) from these two sources, causing significantly less kidney damage than treatments with a single reflector.
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Holmium Laser

The Themis is a 30W Holmium Laser with a unique "Fibrex" optic fiber for use in surgical urological procedures as well as soft tissue treatments used in general surgery. It incorporates a short pulse operation for highly effective calculi fragmentation and a long pulse operation for cutting and coagulation of soft tissue, providing excellent haemostasis.
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Sistema electromagnetico SWL

El Integra combina un sistema de fluoroscopia y una unidad de ondas de choque para una fragmentación eficaz. Sustituye la necesidad de girar la unidad de rayos X, mientras que una consola permite un control completo y las funciones de procesamiento de imágenes.
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Double Shockwave Lithotripsy Machine
Duet Magna

Duet Magna introduces the combination of electromagnetic technology and the double shockwave concept, allowing for some clear and unique advantages in the field of shockwave lithotripsy. The Duet Magna is equipped with two reflectors and performs Double Shockwave Lithotripsy (DSWL) from these two sources, causing significantly less kidney damage than treatments with a single reflector.
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Holmium Laser

The Themis is a 30W Holmium Laser with a unique "Fibrex" optic fiber for use in surgical urological procedures as well as soft tissue treatments used in general surgery. It incorporates a short pulse operation for highly effective calculi fragmentation and a long pulse operation for cutting and coagulation of soft tissue, providing excellent haemostasis.
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Sistema electromagnetico SWL

El Integra combina un sistema de fluoroscopia y una unidad de ondas de choque para una fragmentación eficaz. Sustituye la necesidad de girar la unidad de rayos X, mientras que una consola permite un control completo y las funciones de procesamiento de imágenes.
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ED Solution

The Renova device is specifically designed for linear shockwave therapy treatment for erectile disfunction. The shockwave system covers the entire penile shaft with a single application, and also provides complete coverage of the crus for maximal effectiveness.
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